Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What's with the snow?!?

Close to a foot in my front yard, and more coming this evening!!!

Our 2nd batch of eggs was a 100% BUST!  Not one hatched.  We have upgraded to a new incubator, and are trying again this week with some Silver-laced Wyandot eggs, as well as about a dozen from our own flock.  This 3rd batch will double as a science fair project for our 8yo, so I'm hoping we have better luck!

The sale on the house we had under contract has fallen through, but we have a backup home that we're working on getting under contract.  It's on an acre, and would still be a big upgrade over our current 1/5 acre.  *fingers crossed*

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Big changes ahead - update`

So much has been going on, there's been no time to blog!

For starters, our 1st hatch was a bit of a bust.  We ended up having 3 hatch, and 2 of the 3 died :-(.  We did get one healthy buff orp. pullet.  She's doing well, and is about 5 weeks old now.

Last week, we introduced 2 Jersey Giants, 1 Cuckoo Maran, and our "Heinz 57" Rooster into the main flock.  So far, no one has killed anyone else, which we will call a "success."  The big chickens keep picking on the Cuckoo, and the 4 little ones hide in the corner all day.

We have our 2nd batch of hatching eggs in the incubator. Today is day 14, and about 1/2 of them are looking pretty good at this point (there are 25 eggs in this batch).  We'll see what hatches next week.

But the big news is: WE'RE UPGRADING!  We have a new house under-contract, and it's on an acre and a half.  A big upgrade over our 1/5 acre lot that we're currently on.  We're very excited to start this new "upgraded" farming adventure.  Unfortunately, we're moving the 1st week of June, and that means no garden this year :-/, but we'll have the summer to plan out the garden area for next year.

Sorry for the lack uf updates.  I hope everyone is having a great spring, so far!