Impatiently waiting the obligatory 12 hours before I can put these under my broody chicken's butt! 3 Easter Egger eggs, 2 Maran eggs, 1 Cream Legbar, and 1 Cream Legbar cross. I also included one egg from our own flock, which is a Speckled sexlink/bantam Cochin cross. *fingers crossed*
Woke up bright and early to get those eggs under the momma chicken! Here are the 12
Step 1: Put garden gloves on, because touching chickens makes me squimish.
Step 2: Recruit 8yr old daughter to carry eggs outside.
Step 3: Go into coop and remove broody hen from the nesting box in the kennel (she's been separated from the other chickens for about 5 days as this point)
Step 4: Pray she doesn't peck you when you grab her out. (My prayers were answered! Hallelujah!)
Step 5: Set the broody chicken down in the coop (this may have been my first mistake... :-/)
Step 6: Scream "oh crap! Rooster! Leave her alone!"
Step 7: Panic and chase the rooster away from your broody chicken while simultaneously yelling at daughter to "Hurry and put the eggs in the damn nest."
Step 8: Climb through very little opening to catch the broody chicken, which is still being attacked/raped by the rooster.
Step 9: Catch the hen.
Step 10: Place the hen back in the kennel and slam the door in her face when she tries to escape.
Step 11: Take a deep breath, walk into garage, remove gloves.
Step 12: Go back out in an hour and make sure everything has settled down, and that the hen is incubating the eggs! SUCCESS!!!
Momma Chicken :-) |
The rapist |
After all that, I sure am hoping that we get at least a chick or two by 2/28/13!
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